RED Paddle Co Boards Now Available @ Geiger's
Lots of exciting things are happening over here at UltraMissions! On the top of the list is UM's partnership with Geiger's. We've partnered with the Geiger family to be the exclusive retailer of RED Paddle Co inflatable standup paddle boards and gear. All three Cleveland-area Geiger’s locations have stocked the award-winning boards, paddles, and safety gear.
It’s a beautiful fit, really. The world’s best inflatable paddle boards and Cleveland’s premier gear and apparel store… it just makes sense.
UltraMissions is Geiger’s exclusive, preferred partner for paddle board instructor services as well. As an ASI-certified instructor, you know I'm passionate about the sport, and also on-the-water safety. There’s lots of opportunities to rent or buy boards out there. I want to see people choose high-quality boards, and be properly equipped with the knowledge and skill necessary for a fun AND safe experience. Partnering with Geiger's is a great opportunity to reach more individuals and get the word out in Northeast Ohio about RED.
“Inflatable boards from RED Paddle Co are the real deal – you won’t compromise on quality or performance for the sake of convenience with this line.” ”
Interested in learning more about the amazing RED paddle board? Geiger’s and UltraMissions will be hosting Try & Buy Demos on several dates and locations this summer. Stay tuned!
Be well,